Riparian buffers are planted along water bodies to prevent pollutants from agricultural runoff to enter the water as well as to enhance wildlife habitat and to create potential income for the landowner from conservation easements and income from harvesting the wood and various plants in the buffer. Why Landscape with Native Plants in the Riparian Buffer Area? A canopy created by riparian forest provides shade and controls water temperature, which is essential for instream organisms, including trout and the invertebrate food source on which they depend. Pinelands Nursery’s Riparian Buffer Mix is a diverse mix of native forbs and grasses that can aid in the stabilization of stream banks and decrease erosion. Low maintenance, allowing more time to enjoy recreational activities. There are many trees, shrubs, grasses, vines and other plants that thrive in riparian buffers. While they represent many diverse species, they all tend to have very well developed root systems and a tolerance (or in some cases, a preference) for damp to very wet soil. 2. • The original source of plant materials should, if possible, come from the MLRA, ecoregion, or for conifers, the seed zone within which you are working. Benefits of Buffers A healthy riparian buffer will successfully filter out pollutants, stabilize the bank, shade the • A regionalized riparian buffer plant list. Ways to use this Handbook: • As a road map providing the framework, practical tips and resources needed for planning a successful urban riparian planting event. riparian buffer management strategies, thereby protecting and, in some cases, helping to improve the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Benefit a large number of wildlife species. The following are lists of riparian trees and shrubs by Major Land Resource Areas (MLRAs) and contain relatively common species available from plant nurseries. Provide bio-diversity of plant life. A riparian landowner is a landowner that owns property adjacent to a lake or stream. Riparian Buffer Mix It has been proven that waterways with a strip of protective vegetation alongside them have increased water quality and numerous ecological benefits. • As a tool to help you consider the specific social and ecological needs of your 5. 6. 1) Riparian buffers are vegetated zones adjacent to streams and wetlands that represent a best manage- ment practice (BMP) for controlling nitrogen entering water bodies. 1. Native plants offer the greatest rate of survival 3. Riparian forest buffers are the strips of trees and shrubs along waterways that help protect stream health by filtering runoff and stabilizing soil. 2) Current research indicates that riparian buffers of various vegetation types are effective at reducing Riparian forest soils act as areas of water storage. Although this manual was written specifically for Tidewater Virginia localities, it may also serve as a resource for other communities interested in riparian buffer protection and management. 4. Native Shoreland/Riparian Buffer Plantings for New Hampshire* * This list is referenced in Env-Wq 1400 Shoreland Protection as Appendix D Common Name(s) Latin Name Height Growth Rate Rooting Light Preference Soil Preference Habitat Associated Birds and Mammals (Cover, Nesting or Food) and Food Value Trees American Basswood Riparian Buffer Zones: Common Plants. buffer is healthy; qualities such as bare ground, dead or dying plants, lack of species diversity, and the presence of upland plants are all indicators that the health of the buffer is suffering. Native plant buffers (riparian buffers) should be at least 10 feet of dense native plants to grow along the water's edge and streambank to allow pollutants to filter out and the banks to stabilize. Native plants are adapted or best suited to the area. Riparian Plants A short list of plants for your multifunctional riparian forest buffer. What are multifunctional riparian forest buffers? Plants take up water into their tissues and release it into the atmosphere.